Return Policy

RCdesign - Hassle-Free Return Policy

Not Satisfied with Your Purchase? Return It!

No return authorization is required. No problem.

We at RCdesign stand behind our products and our loyal customers. That's why we have a 30-day hassle-free return policy - no RMA required!

If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it to us! We will be happy to exchange it for the same or another product, or issue a full refund* upon receipt of your return. No problem!

How to Return or Exchange Your Items

  1. Carefully repack the items in their original packaging.
  2. Attach a copy of the packing slip or order receipt.
  3. Write us a note indicating the reason for your return and whether you would like a replacement or refund.
  4. Please return your package fully insured via UPS, FedEx or the United States Postal Service to:
    1874 Johns Drive
    Glenview, IL 60025

Please keep your receipt, as unfortunately we cannot be held responsible for returns that are damaged or lost in transit.

*Shipping and service costs are non-refundable - please allow approximately 2 weeks for your refund to be processed.

Damaged Shipments

In the event that a shipment arrives damaged, you must contact us within 5 (five) days of receiving the goods. We will file your claim with your insurance carrier and a replacement will be promptly sent to you!

© 2024 RCdesign. All rights reserved.

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